(some of the points here are mentioned in my book, Success Through Positive Thinking (Pusthak Mahal, New Delhi)
Being godless is simply a great thing. We do not have to enslave ourselves with the nonsense beliefs and magical rituals of religions. We know everything is over with this life. The moment our brain stops functioning, that is the end of this bubble.
Being godless is simply a great thing. We do not have to enslave ourselves with the nonsense beliefs and magical rituals of religions. We know everything is over with this life. The moment our brain stops functioning, that is the end of this bubble.
Being godless there is no illusion of an afterlife, allurement
of a heaven or the fear of a hell. We can go in pace having lived our lives to
the full.
Where are we going? Why are we here? Where did we come from?
Life is a wonderful gift. We have been lucky to have been born
in the 20th/21st century with all the modern comforts and
scientific advances. The older generations could not even dream of what we have. Yes, there
is a lot of pain, failures and losses in our lives. We have a lot of blessings too. Even if our
blessings are less, what is the point in crying over it? There are a few who are blessed with lots of money,
fame, talents, or looks.
The game of
life is played down here that way. You can brood over it and become sad. Or you
can choose to be happy irrespective of what you got.
Oprah Winfrey once observed, 'the more you praise and celebrate your life, the more there is to celebrate in
life.' Helen Keller was deaf, mute and blind. Still
she thought she was blessed and tried to cheer those who were only blind! Mark Ingles, whose legs were amputated below
the knee in 1982 as they were frost-bitten while stuck in a snow-cave for 13
days during mountaineering, feels there is a lot left to be thankful about. He
is grateful he is alive and he conquered Mount Cook in 2002 and Mount Everest
in 2006. These days he is travelling around inspiring others to enjoy and appreciate
this life.
An anonymous poet has sung: ‘if your arteries have hardened
and arthritis have slowed your gait, if
your dancing days are over and if any other condition afflicts you, think of
others with more pain like the fellow in the wheel-chair, or the one without
hands or legs……’ There are so many who cannot hear a symphony, see a bloom, or
even know his/her own parents. You are far better......'
Are you happy now? This is all that matters. The richest
person on earth--let it be Bill gates, Carlos Slim, Mark Zuckerburg, or anyone
else, they all want to be happy every moment of their lives. They may not be as
happy as you are now. We are to be happy here. Everything points to these 9
letters arranged in this order: H A P P I N E S S.
Enjoy this moment: start savoring everything good in life.
More money need not necessarily make you happy. You have so much to be happy
about already: this world that gave you birth in this century, your dear ones, your
friends, those who help you and so on. Problems will get solved, dark clouds
will swim away.
Say a thank you to
anyone who helps you and thank the universe, this earth and your parents, who
gave birth to you, your partner, grandparents, teachers, pets, computer,
house, garden, aircrafts, ships, fridge, video games, television, moon, stars,
blooms, panoramic views, a rainbow,
Note: If you (400 or so read each post) like anything in it, please tweet , share with / inform your friends or give a comment in the blog itself (instead of the website where you get it). We all are happy with the same beliefs and let us try to help others too.)